The Daffodil & Hosta Society of Western Pennsylvania and The Western NY Hosta Society presents:
The 27th Joint Fall Hosta Forum
This year’s theme: PIRATES
September 20th, 2025

Registration Form
Details Flyer
** Note: Registration due no later than 9/10/24
The awesome fee for the day is $75 pp – but when you donate an auction item worth $20 or more (or items… remember, this benefits the Societies and helps to keep prices down), then the registration fee is only $65! This fabulous deal includes 4 talks, lunch, access to lots of excellent vendors, and a chance to score at the auction. Special Friday Preview – We will arrange for a sandwich bar and salad for those coming in Friday night – please let us know! Dinner @ 5:30 pm, - $25 per person, Reservations Required!! You get first chance at the vendors, a special program and camaraderie - and
each person will receive a $5 voucher good only Friday night.
5 FAB Speakers will be:
Donna McMillen – ‘Who’s Your Mama (or Perhaps Your Papa?’) A look at the genealogy known (or suspected) of our favorite hostas.
Glen Pace – ‘Hellebores’ – hellebores have recently undergone a surge in popularity. Glen will walk us through which ones are most garden-worthy for us and how to increase your collection by seeds or division.
Olga Petryszyn - How Did That Hosta Get Here and Where is it Going? Recently Olga was able to gather information from some of today’s best hosta hybridizers to see what is inspiring them.
Karl Gercens - ‘The Seven Deadly Sins of Gardening - a fun look at the lust, greed and gluttony of plant collecting and gardening in general.
And ... Friday Night
Dennis James
So… for those who don’t remember (or have never been), here are the details
Daffodil and Hosta Society of Western PA and Western New York Hosta Society are happy to present the twenty sixth Fall Hosta Forum. All of the Forum activities take place at the Frank G. Pogue Student Center at Edinboro University, 219 Meadville St, Edinboro, PA 16444. This site has exceeded our expectations and despite the small inconvenience of having to move between hotel and venue, for those who stay, we are thrilled with the arrangements.
Everything takes place in one enormous room – talks, vending and auctions. Some people have complained about the temperature – which is not within our control SO, we suggest that you bring jackets and sweaters that you can pile on if it’s cooler than you would like. ** BONUS - we'll be selling FHF travel blankets!
We have worked out a deal with the Edinboro COMFORT SUITES, 1007 Market Place Drive, Edinboro, PA 16412, (814-969-7000 select #2) to hold a block of rooms for us @ $114/night plus taxes. We will host a Hospitality Room there on Friday night for those who have registered. We suggest you book ASAP if you plan on staying!
However, since so many people do come in Friday night and stay, we have added a Friday night element along with a light meal and a short talk by Dennis James (topic: TBA). THIS WILL ALSO OCCUR AT THE UNIVERSITY. We will then host a Hospitality Room at the Comfort Suites in Edinboro. *This is a reservation only event!
And don’t forget the “wheelers and dealers”! We will have the usual high-quality blend of vendors with our usual array of exciting plant and garden items. This year we expect the usual suspects – Eagle Bay Hostas, Marilyn's minis, DJ’s Greenhouse plus anyone else we can scoop up.
Make a weekend of it and get your reservations in today – space is limited! NOTE: If you plan on Friday night, make your reservations NOW! One year a high school football team beat us to the rooms and they sold out early. -- QUESTIONS??? Email: irisborer@aol.com